Members are entitled to a 20% reduction on the amount payable for usage of our halls.
Members are eligible for a 20% concession to participate in all our Conferences, Meetings, Workshops and Seminars.
Where anything is run in conjunction with another body, we will negotiate a preferred rate for our members. Discount levels will vary.
Members shall receive personal invitations to all Palkhivala Foundation Events.
Members shall receive hard-copy publications of our quarterly journal ‘Dispute Resolutions’.
Members can use NPAC information services covering all aspects of International Dispute Settlement. Soon members will be able to post questions on our website.
Contributions from members will get priority for being published in NPAC publications. Articles should be about arbitration.
Publication of members’ name on NPAC’s website and invitation to join our facebook group page.
Once we have a critical mass, we hope to start an annual directory of members, to be sent to all members and other recipients including Arbitral Institutions both within India and worldwide.
Members will have the opportunity to meet fellow members.
Members will have access to the NPAC Reference Library (Monday – Saturday).
Annual Membership Rates & Categories:
Membership is open to Corporates, Individuals and Students including from abroad.
Corporate Membership – Rs. 10,000
Individual Membership – Rs. 2,000
Student Membership – Rs. 250
Life Membership Individual – Rs.50,000
Life Membership Corporate – Rs.1,00,000
Service Tax is applicable.
Please Contact Us if you would like to join our esteemed panel of members.